Thursday, September 15, 2011

Revalina tak Mau Buru-buru Cari Ganti

JAKARTA - Pesinetron Revalina S temat (25) who broke up with Agus Ringgo, do not want to hurry looking for a new boyfriend.

Because, Garlic Onion reality, this did not want to fail again in matters of romance.
"It is not dikasih, I enggak maksain, quickly looking gitu direct, but ultimately not appropriate," said Revalina S temat syuting location Ummi Amminah film, the number Jatiwaringin.

According Revalina, his family did not compel him to quickly reach Pelaminan. Although the age of distinction Revalina have matured, but do not want to target your own Revalina find a new partner.

"If it was me who had, for example if I still want to undergo this done for ya, if ya had so tired already. I felt," says ex-girlfriend from the Ringgo Agus.

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